LAPD Response to Attorney General’s Planned Independent Review NR20032ti

February 10, 2020

Los Angeles: The Department has been working closely with the California Attorney General Office regarding allegations that certain personnel within Metropolitan Division falsified information relative to gang involvement, that was later entered into the California Gang Database. The Department has also initiated a series of steps to ensure the integrity of the information entered into the gang database including, stricter standards for entry and required supervisory review of body worn video corroborating the information recorded by an officer.

Additionally, we have instituted higher levels of review for any request to be removed from the database, in an effort to ensure requests are taken seriously and acted on with integrity. Chief Moore stated, “The California Gang Database is a critical tool for law enforcement in its efforts to solve violent crime and any information entered must be accurate. We are committed to holding anyone who falsified information accountable and will also fully cooperate with the State Attorney General office.”