Hollywood Area Officers Unite With Community

June 5, 2001

"Hollywood Area Officers Unite with Community"
Second Annual Peace March through the Community of Hollywood
Saturday, June 9, 2001
9:00 AM
Hollywood Palladium, 6215 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood
Hollywood L.A. Bridges, Division of Adolescent Medicine, and Community-based Organizations

Hollywood – Community-based organizations, law enforcement agencies, teens, families and members of the community will march in solidarity to demonstrate against violence in the Hollywood community. The area’s Second Annual Peace March is an all day event for citizens who have committed themselves to building non-violent communities. Citizens within the Los Angeles area are welcome to attend. The event will begin with inspirational remarks by community activists, followed by a 2.5 mile Peace March through the neighborhoods of Central Hollywood. The march will begin and end at the Hollywood Palladium, where marchers will be greeted with free food, live music, dance performances, and local celebrities.
The Peace March event will provide citizens with the opportunity to publicly demonstrate non-violence through peaceful community organizing. The people of Hollywood want to recognize individuals and groups who are working to bring positive changes in the community and encourage others to follow in their footsteps. The success of efforts to create a peaceful and healthy community depends on the support and commitment of everyone.
This event is sponsored by more than forty community stakeholders, including: Arrowhead Spring Water, Hollywood L.A. Bridges, Teen Community Projects, Hollywood Community Police Station, Hollywood Community Police Advisory Board, and many other organizations within the community.
For more information, please contact Gloria Lockhart, Hollywood L.A. Bridges at 323-660-2450 ext. 3114, or Justeen Hyde, Division of Adolescent Medicine at 323-660-2450 ext. 3116.
This press release was prepared by Officer La Donna Cissell, Media Relations Section, 213-485-3586.