Missing Persons

Karen Lynn Tompkins

If you have information that can help locate this individual, please call:
(213)-996-1800 OR 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) toll free, 24-hours a day at R.A.C.R. Division.

  • Missing: 08/18/1961
  • Age: 11*
  • Sex: F
  • Descent: White
  • Height: 4'11
  • Weight: 55
  • Hair: Blue
  • Eyes: Blonde
  • Missing From: Los Angeles
  • Report #: 03-05-04054 / 61-152757
*Age Calculated From Time of Missing


The missing person was last seen on August 18, 1961, at approximately 1:00 p.m. leaving the Halldale Elementary School grounds. The missing person was enroute home where she was never seen again.