Missing Persons

Darlene Edwards

If you have information that can help locate this individual, please call:
(213)-996-1800 OR 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) toll free, 24-hours a day at R.A.C.R. Division.

  • Missing: 08/31/2003
  • Age: 25*
  • Sex: F
  • Descent: African-American
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 150
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Missing From: Los Angeles
  • Report #: 03-1625862
*Age Calculated From Time of Missing


Missing Person (Edwards, Darlene Michele) At Risk Missing Adult, was last seen on August 31, 2003, when she left the Video Expo store located on Glenoaks Boulevard and Van Nuys Boulevard in Pacoima, California. Family describes Missing Person’s capacity of a ten year old. Family advises Missing Person knows her name but will have difficulty giving her home address. Missing Person is carrying a California Identification Card and address book inside her black bag with the Bebe logo. Missing Person was last seen wearing a red tank top, blue Capri jeans, white belt and black shoes with red trim. Missing Person’s hair in in braids pulled back from her face and has very small teeth. The missing person has been reported missing before 12-1-02 and 1-03, and found at Huber Humphreys park on Dronfield and Filmore in Pacoima.