Pursuant to California Penal Code section 26155, the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) policy is to issue a CCW license to an applicant who demonstrates that he/she...

CCW Carry Concealed Weapon License Policy

SB2 Update – January 1, 2024

SB2 Litigation Update – January 6, 2024: On December 20, 2023, a federal trial court in California granted a preliminary injunction staying the enforcement of certain aspects of PC 26230, which otherwise would have gone into effect in its entirety on January 1, 2024. The court enjoined subdivisions (a)(7)-(13), (a)(15)-(17), (a)(19)-(20), and (a)(22), (23) and (26). Therefore, the only subdivisions of PC 26230 that will go into effect in January 2024 are subdivisions (a)(1)-(6), (a)(14), (a)(18), (a)(21), (a)(24)-(25), and (a)(27)-(29). Note, however, that the federal court struck prohibitions, even as to those sites, on the ability of a CCW-licensee to carry a firearm in a parking area of those locations. On December 30, 2023, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals granted a “stay” on the preliminary injunction from taking effect, which would have allowed for SB 2 to take effect in its entirety January 1, 2024. However, subsequently, on January 6, 2024, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed its initial ruling, thus allowing the trial court’s preliminary injunction to take effect, as referenced above.


Training Requirement Update – January 1, 2024

Pursuant to Senate Bill 2, all applicants who submit a Conceal Carry Weapon application after 1-1-2024 will have to complete a 16 hour CCW training course, from a Training Provider on the LAPD authorized Training Provider list.


CCW Application Form Update – January 1, 2024

All Concealed Carry Weapon applications submitted after 1-1-2024 will have to be the newly published State of California BOF 4012 (Rev 01/2024) form


LAPD CCW Frequently Asked Questions


Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) Application Guidelines
(Updated May 3, 2024)

In accordance with California Penal Code Section 26155, the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) policy is to issue a CCW license to an applicant upon a finding that he/she is at least 21 years of age, and:

(1) Is a resident of the City of Los Angeles (LAPD Jurisdiction); (2) Is not a disqualified person as defined by Penal Code section 26202; and, (3) Has completed a course of training acceptable to the Department, as described in Penal Code Section 26165, AFTER the person has been approved by the Chief of Police for a CCW license.

Please note that although Penal Code Section 26155 also contains a requirement that an applicant demonstrate that “good cause” exists for the issuance of a CCW license, the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen held that New York’s similar “proper cause” requirement was unconstitutional. Therefore, pursuant to Bruen, LAPD will not enforce the “good cause” requirement and will not require an applicant to demonstrate “good cause” to qualify for a CCW license.

CCW Application Process:

Application Instructions: Print or download the most updated version of the California Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau of Firearms Standard Initial and Renewal Application for a CCW License (Form BOF 4012, Revised 01/2024). Available here: Cal DOJ Standard CCW Application

Available here: Cal DOJ Standard CCW Application

The applicant should thoroughly review and complete all sections of the Standard Application except for the two signatures and dates required on sections 7 and 8. This must be signed in the presence of the investigator. Additional pages may be used and inserted if more space is necessary to complete the application. (Note that the Standard Application can be downloaded on a computer and filled out electronically.)

Once the Standard Application is completed as specified above, please call (213) 486-5712 or email CCWProcessing@lapd.online and include your name, address and phone number to be placed on a waiting list to schedule an in-person interview. Applications can be submitted to LAPD by bringing your completed application with you on the day of your in-person appointment. An Investigator will provide details when setting up the in-person interview. You must appear in person to have your application reviewed by an LAPD investigator. If you appear with an incomplete application, your interview will need to be rescheduled. Do NOT bring any firearms to the interview.

PROOF OF RESIDENCY: Residency in the jurisdiction of the issuing authority is a legal requirement for the issuance of a permit per Penal Code Section 26155. Therefore, you will be required to show proof of residency in the City of Los Angeles and verify your identity by submitting the following at the time of your interview:

1) A valid California Driver’s License or California Identification Card and a copy of the front and back. An applicant must have a current valid California driver’s license or identification with their current address, in compliance with Vehicle Code Section 14600(a), or any additional documents issued by the DMV that reflect their current address. No P.O. Box address is acceptable.

2) Copies of two of your most recent utility bills or any other sufficient proof of your full-time residency within the City of Los Angeles as indicated on your application. Proof of residency’s must be recent and can be provided in the form of monthly utility bills, mortgage statement or rental agreement, vehicle registration, or a bank statement. If you are providing a bank statement, please redact the account information. Utility bills listing a spouse’s name will accepted with proof of marriage or legal domestic partnership

(Financial or sensitive information may be redacted or blacked out)


CCW Application Processing Fees: Applicants must pay the following fees for processing of a CCW license. Please note that such fees are non-refundable.

LAPD CCW Processing Fees:

· For new applicants, the total fee amount is $268.

* 20% of the application fee ($53) is due at the time of the in-person interview; please do not submit this payment prior to your in-person interview. * The remaining 80% of the application fee ($215) is due upon issuance of a CCW license.

· For renewal applicants, the fee is $52 payable to the DOJ and $25 payable to the City of Los Angeles for a new card.

· CCW license processing fees shall be paid by cashier’s check or money order made payable to the City of Los Angeles. NO CASH or personal checks will be accepted.


**Do not complete live scan until advised to do so by the CCW Unit

As part of your background check, you will need a live scan. To find your nearest live scan location refer to the Department of Justice website [https://oag.ca.gov/fingerprints/locations].

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the live scan operator inputs all information correctly
· Applicant title: Concealed Weapon License
· Applicant type: Standard CCW
· Mail code: 21376
· Applicant Information Section- Fully completed

Failure to include the above information will result in having to complete a secondary live scan, pay additional live scan fees, and a delay in the application process.

· Live Scan Fee varies per vendor (fee payable to the vendor).


Firearms Training Course: Applicants must successfully complete a firearms training course acceptable to LAPD per Penal Code Sections 26155 and 26165. However, this requirement need not be satisfied until AFTER the Department has determined and provided notice to the applicant that they satisfy the residency requirements and have been qualified for approval to receive a CCW license. An applicant who meets those requirements will be so notified by the LAPD CCW Unit and instructed to proceed with the firearms training course. The applicant must thereafter provide proof to LAPD that they have successfully completed a course of training within 90 days of their approval letter. A CCW license will only be issued after the investigator receives the firearms training certificate. The LAPD will not accept an applicant’s proof of training dated more than six months before the time of their initial application interview. Failure to complete the training within 90 days of the approval letter will result in the withdrawal of the application.

Pursuant to Penal Code Section 26165:

· New applicants must complete a training course lasting at least 16 hours.
· Renewal applicants must complete a training course lasting at least 8 hours.
· The course shall include instruction on firearm safety, firearm handling, shooting technique, and laws regarding the permissible use of a firearm.
· Each firearm shall be inspected by the training provider to ensure that it is safe, operable, and in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
· Applicants must complete a live fire course with each firearm to be listed on the license and must satisfy shooting proficiency standards established by LAPD. The Department’s Shooting Proficiency Standards Form is posted below.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact an authorized course provider to schedule and complete a training course acceptable to the Department. A list of training providers who teach courses acceptable to the LAPD is posted below. The applicant must select a Firearm Provider from the LAPD list only.

When the applicant has completed their firearm training course, a copy of the completed and signed shooting proficiency standards form must be sent to CCWProcessing@lapd.online.

Handgun Requirements: As stated above, training course providers inspect each handgun to ensure that it is safe, operable, and in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Please be aware that any handgun used in the firearm training course and listed on a CCW license must comply with the following state and federal laws and regulations:

· The handgun must be registered/DROS to the applicant.
· The handgun must be concealable upon the person or purse.
· The handgun, magazines, and ammunition must comply with applicable state laws.
· Registered assault weapons as defined in California Penal Code Sections 30510 and 30515 are not permitted for a CCW license.
· Any handgun or pistol that has the capacity to accept a magazine outside of the pistol grip is not permitted for a CCW license.

Once an applicant has been approved for a CCW license, they will be contacted to schedule an appointment to obtain and sign the CCW license. Appointments will take place at the LAPD Police Headquarters Facility.

The Los Angeles Police Department does not approve or endorse any private companies that offer “Streamlining Services” to assist CCW applicants with the application process.

The CCW License Holder always agrees to follow all Terms of Use and maintain good moral character. They must not engage in criminal activities or conduct themselves in any way other than a responsible and law-abiding citizen. The Los Angeles Police Department has the right to suspend or revoke a license if it is notified by the DOJ that the licensee is prohibited by state or federal law from owning or purchasing a firearm, or if the licensee engages in any criminal conduct or otherwise violates the Terms of Use.

If you have any questions regarding the CCW process, please call the LAPD CCW Unit at (213) 486-5712 or email CCWProcessing@lapd.online.

Please continue to monitor this website for new or additional information about the Department’s CCW process

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