100 W 1st Street, Rm 831
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 213-486-0606
Commanding Officer Monique Turner
Information Systems Manager II
Mission Statement
To provide operational and maintenance support for enterprise, operations, investigative and administrative core and focused application systems and data services such as database, ETL, reporting, intranet website and GIS services. To be a resource for the Department in the analysis, development and implementation of system enhancements, replacement, and modernization.
1. Collect and disseminate information.
2. Create and supporting applications that allow officers to efficiently gather the information in a timely manner.
3. To provide data and information to:
* Command staff to analyze the effectiveness of policies/procedures to promote effective and safe community policing.
* Media/citizens based on CPRA and open data requests. Increase level of transparency.
* Comply with mandated data collection and reporting requirements mandated by state and federal guidelines.