Los Angeles: On May 10, 2010, an officer-involved shooting occurred in the parking lot of a business in the 21600 block of Victory Boulevard.
On May 10, 2010 at about 11:10 a.m., Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Topanga Area plain clothes officers recognized a suspect wanted in connection with a homicide, driving his vehicle in the area of Victory Boulevard and Owensmouth Avenue. The plain clothes officers requested Topanga Patrol Division uniformed officers to conduct an investigative stop. Several officers responded and followed the suspect’s vehicle. The suspect, later identified as Donovan Morris, continued driving on Victory Boulevard until he entered the parking lot of a business located in the 21600 block and exited his vehicle with a handgun, at which time a shooting occurred involving the below listed officers:
Police Officer III Marc Ferris, 9 years 8 months with the Department.
Police Officer II Garrett Peyton, 7 years 10 months with the Department.
Police Officer II Alfredo Lamas, 3 years 5 months with the Department.
Police Officer II Taylor McLaws, 7 years 2 months with the Department.
Police Officer II Christopher Edwards, 4 years 6 months with the Department.
Police Officer II Jonathan Johnson, 4 years 6 months with the Department.
Morris was transported to a local hospital where he failed to respond medical treatment and was later pronounced dead. No officers were injured. The gun used by Morris was recovered at scene.
LAPD Force Investigation Division detectives are investigating the officer-involved shooting and the Criminal Apprehension Team is investigating the crimes against the officers.