Arrest Announced in an Attempt Rape NA21064ll

October 8, 2021
News Conference
Friday, October 8, 2021

1:00 p.m.

Van Nuys Area Community Police Station
6420 Sylmar Avenue
Van Nuys, Ca 91401
LAPD Captain Charles Hearn, Commanding Officer, Van Nuys Division
LAPD Detective Leslie Brenner, Van Nuys Sexual Assault Investigations
On September 15, 2021, around 2:50 a.m., a homeless victim was sleeping in the doorway of a closed business located on the 6ooo block of Sepulveda Boulevard when a male Hispanic suspect approached the victim and attempted to engage in forced vaginal sex with her however, the victim defended herself against the attack. Minutes after the attack, the suspect returned after removing his pants and shoes and attempted a second sexual assault.

The commanding officer and assigned investigators of Van Nuys Sexual Assault investigations will be announcing details of the arrest, and the identity of the charged individual.

Photographs of the suspect will be on display.

For inquiries, please contact Media Relations Division at 213-486-5910.