WHAT: Backpack Giveaway for Area School Students
WHEN: Friday, August 25, 2017 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: Griffin Avenue Elementary School 2025 Griffin Avenue Los Angeles, Ca. 90031
WHO: LAPD Captain III Ruby Flores, Hollenbeck Area Commanding Officer LAPD Captain I Al Labrada, Hollenbeck Area Commanding Officer LAPD Hollenbeck Area Officers Children from the local community
WHY: Hollenbeck Area police officers will be giving away 125 backpacks to students from the community for the new school year. The children will be given a new backpack for their school books and other items for use during the new school year.
Hollenbeck Area received a total donation of 200 backpacks from the Grace Ford Salvatori Foundation to enable officers from Hollenbeck Area to personally provide to the students. Officers in uniform will hand out the backpacks to students in the school auditorium.
Any questions regarding this event can be referred to Captain Ruby Flores at 323-342-4100.