WHAT: Back To School Shop With A Cop Event
WHEN: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Staples 701 W. Redondo Beach Blvd Gardena, CA 90247
WHO: LAPD Captain III Al Pasos, Area Commanding Officer Southeast Area LAPD Captain I Louis Paglialonga, Patrol Commanding Officer Southeast Area LAPD Southeast Senior Lead Officers LAPD Southeast Community Safety Partnership Officers
WHY: The Learn to Lead Organization and Matthew 25:35 Foundation reached out to LAPD to help children have a positive start in order to succeed to the new school year. There will be 25 back to school students who will receive a $100 gift card from Staples for school supplies. The will use the gift card while shopping with a Police Officer to obtain items to ensure they are ready for the new school year.
The Shop-with-a-Cop event provides an opportunity to reach out to the children in our community fostering a positive relationship with the LAPD.
CONTACT: For further information, please contact Southeast Senior Lead Officer George Chavez at (213) 793-0718.