WHAT: Fundraiser (A $10.00 donation is good for a car wash and a hamburger.)
WHEN: Saturday, April 5, 2008
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Councilman’s Zines Office (rear parking lot)
19040 Vanowen Street
Reseda, Ca (The southeast corner of Vanalden Ave & Vanowen St.)
WHO: West Valley Area Community Police Station personnel
WHY: The West Valley Area Community Police Station is having a fundraiser for two of its’ own officers in need of assistance. Sergeant Rachel Raigoza and Sergeant Kathy Ryan’s son Cory Ryan have both been battling life-threatening cancer since last year and could use our much needed assistance I getting through an extremely difficult period in their lives..
If you have any questions regarding the fundraiser or you could provide some additional assistance and or donations please contact Officer Padron, West Valley Area, Senior Lead Officer at 818-731-2583..