Los Angeles: Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton has been invited to speak before the 2008 National Fusion Center Conference, San Francisco, California, on March 19, 2008.
The Second Annual National Fusion Center Conference, held in partnership with the United States (US) Department of Homeland Security Office and Department of Justice, is designed to support fusion centers as they continue to build their capabilities, understand their roles and responsibilities, and gain an awareness of the President’s National Strategy for Information Sharing.
Chief Bratton will focus on US law enforcement’s role in preventing crime, including terrorism, emphasizing the importance of Fusion Centers, where intelligence is analyzed, shared and ultimately disseminated to the first responder and the private sector.
“Creating these centers of gravity, with participation by all levels of government, will maximize the chance that we will connect the dots, thus providing opportunities to prevent both traditional crime and terrorism,” said Chief William Bratton.
Over eight hundred senior leadership law enforcement professionals responsible for the management of operational fusion centers are expected to attend.
For additional information please contact Media Relations Section, at 213-485-3586.