Community Forum Regarding AB60, the new Law to License Undocumented Residents

September 24, 2014

Community Forum

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Casa Cultura Maya
501 Bixel Street  
Los Angeles, California 90017

Dr. Linda Lopez, Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
Los Angeles Police Department, Office of the Chief of Police
Representatives from the Cónsul General of México in Los Angeles
Representatives from the Cónsul General of Guatemala in Los Angeles
Representatives from the Department of Motor Vehicles
Representatives from the County of Los Angeles Department of Consumer Affairs

To provide an opportunity to learn more about the new law related to licensing undocumented residents and to provide a platform to address questions and concerns.

    Highlights of the event:
•    A panel discussion to address questions and concerns regarding Law AB 60
•    How a resident prepares to obtain a Driver’s  License in 2015
•    What documents are required to receive a Driver’s  License
•    The review of requirements to ensure equal treatment of all licensed motorists
•    How to avoid receiving a fraudulent Driver’s  License
•    The event will be provided in Spanish and English  

For more information, please contact LAPD’s Community Relations Section at 213-486-6000.