Immigration Fraud Forum
Saturday, April 5, 2014
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Free Entry
Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
10390 Remick Avenue
Pacoima, CA 91331
LAPD Lieutenant Alfred Labrada, Community Outreach Liaison, Office of the Chief of Police
Expediente Rojo Project Representatives
The victims of these types of frauds gravely suffer the consequences. We invite you to identify the warning signs of fraudulent lawyers and public notaries that promise the following:
• Legalize your situation or immigration status
• Obtain easy and fast job permits
• USA visas for you and your family members
• Provide defense for deportation process
• Deferred action
• Political Asylum
Your legal status does not matter, you have the right to protect yourself from fraud and file a claim.
Contact: For further information, please contact Lieutenant Alfred Labrada, Community Outreach Liaison at 213-486-0162.