News Conference to announce the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) expansion of the In Car Video System
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 2:00 p.m.
77th Street Community Police Station
(Community Room)
7600 Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90003
The Honorable Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, City of Los Angeles
Councilmember Greig Smith, Council District 12, Chair of Public Safety
Police Commissioner John Mack, President of the Los Angeles Police Commission
Police Commissioner Alan Skobin, Los Angeles Police Commission
Police Chief Charlie Beck, LAPD
Assistant Chief Sandy Joe MacArthur, LAPD Office of Administrative Services
Deputy Chief Pat Gannon, LAPD Operations-South Bureau
Captain Dennis Kato, Commanding Officer, 77th Street Community Police Station
Sergeant Daniel Gomez, LAPD Tactical Technology Section
In 2005, the Los Angeles City Council approved a $5.47 million dollar contract to install video cameras in Southeast and 77th Division patrol cars. Since May of this year, a pilot program of the In Car Video Program has been used and proven successful at Southeast Station.
On Tuesday, July 13th, Mayor Villaraigosa and Chief Beck will announce the pending launch of the In Car Video Program at 77th Street Area Community Police Station which covers 12 square miles of the City of Los Angeles. Communities serviced by officers assigned to 77th Station are Athens Park, Chesterfield Square, Gramercy Park, Hyde Park, Vermont Knolls, View Heights, Vermont Park, Morningside Park and the Crenshaw District.
An LAPD Black & White patrol car equipped with the video system will be available for viewing. In addition, B-roll with the equipment in use will be provided on DVD.