Los Angeles: During the morning hours of September 11, 2001, the United States of America became the target of the most horrific terrorist act of our time. The terrorist attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center Twin Towers and the Pentagon caused thousands of injuries and scores of fatalities. Among those who died, seriously injured or still missing, are untold numbers of military personnel, police officers, fire fighters and other emergency personnel. During their unselfish and heroic efforts to save innocent lives, many of these first responders became victims.
Many Department employees have expressed an interest in helping victims and their surviving families through donations of blood and money. To meet this desire, the Los Angeles Police Department, along with the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Red Cross, will host a blood drive at Parker Center, 150 N. Los Angeles Street, on Friday, September 21, 2001, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Department encourages all employees and the rest of the public to donate blood at this event, or at any one of the many donor centers.
In addition, the Department has established the "LAPD Disaster Support Fund" and will accept monetary and other donations from employees and members of the general public until October 19, 2001. All Department employees have been informed of the existence of the Fund and encouraged to show their support by making a donation. Donations should be in the form of cash or check. All checks should be made payable to "LAPD Disaster Support Fund" and sent to:
Los Angeles Police Department
Community Affairs Group, Room 627
150 N. Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, California 90012
Attention: "LAPD Disaster Support Fund"
If there are any questions regarding the LAPD Disaster Support Fund, please contact Sergeant Catherine Tena, Community Affairs Group, at 213-485-3205.
If there are any questions regarding the LAPD Blood Drive, please contact Lieutenant Leslie Lutz, Medical Liaison Section, Personnel Division at 213-485-4087.
This press release was prepared by Public Information Officer Guillermo Campos, Media Relations Section, 213-485-3586.