LAPD Provides Halloween Traffic Safety Tips

October 28, 2010

A news conference for law enforcement personnel to provide Halloween traffic safety tips. Visuals will include a parade of elementary school children in Halloween costumes.

Friday, October 29, 2010
9:30 a.m.

Van Nuys Elementary School
6464 Sylmar Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91401-1453
Los Angeles City Councilman Tony Cardenas, Council District 6
Los Angeles Unified School District Board Member Nury Martinez, District 6
Chief Michael Bowman, Los Angeles School Police
Los Angeles Police Department Commander Sharon K. Papa
Los Angeles Police Department Captain William S. Sutton

Because Halloween is a favorite holiday for children and safety is often the last thing on their minds.  Parents and motorists need to be especially cautious and alert during Halloween as youngsters enjoy the many festivities of the season.

For additional information, please contact Media Relations Section at 213-485-3586. Spanish media may contact LAPD Valley Traffic Division Detective William Bustos at 818-644-8021.