Los Angeles: Three Los Angeles Police Department detectives are attending the United Kingdoms’ Crime Academy, based at Hendon, for specialized training as Family Liaison Officers. The training will provide the detectives with tools to help them more effectively deal with victims’ families.
The decision to send the officers came as a result of a visit to the UK by LAPD Deputy Chief Michael Berkow, who oversees the Professional Standards Bureau.
"I went to London last year to study the police department’s response to the London Underground bombings on July 7, 2005," said Berkow. "I was impressed by this program, and thought LAPD could benefit by training our officers."
Steve Lovelock, Director of the UK’s Crime Academy said, "We welcome the opportunity to share our training techniques and knowledge with international forces so that we are all better equipped to assist and support those affected by traumatic incidents such as July 7th, and the weeks that followed. The specialist training that these Family Liaison Officers will receive is based on lessons learnt from real life experience and is second to none."
Victims’ families can often provide information that can assist officers in solving crimes. The tools learned in the training will be passed along to other LAPD detectives, who will use the skills to maximize the value of information from victims’ families. No comparable program exists in the United States today.