LAPD Traffic Checkpoint

March 16, 2007

LAPD Conducts Sobriety & Drivers License Checkpoint

Saturday, March 17, 2007
6:00 PM to 1:30 AM

Sherman Way Between Lurline Boulevard & Desoto Boulevard.

Valley Traffic Division

The purpose of the sobriety checkpoint is to reduce the number of traffic collisions related to intoxicated drivers and hit and run collisions. This advisory is to initiate media attention and enhance public awareness on the dangers of drinking and driving. The alcohol & drug impaired driver is a danger to everyone.

Motorists approaching a checkpoint will see information advising them that a checkpoint is ahead. Once diverted into a lane, each motorist will be detained a few moments while an officer explains the purpose of the checkpoint.

The California Office of Traffic Safety will fund the checkpoint.

For further information contact Sergeant Robert Kirk, Valley Traffic Division, at 818-756-8381