Los Angeles: Today, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck officially announced in a letter to the Board of Police Commissioners his interest in a second five-year term as the City’s Chief of Police.
"It has been an honor to serve as the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. During my tenure, we have made tremendous strides in reducing crime and increasing police accountability, but there is still much left to do. I look forward to describing my vision of the future of policing in Los Angeles during the reappointment process."
Chief Beck’s request for consideration as the Department’s Chief for a second term is in accordance with Section 575(c) of the Los Angeles City Charter. The next steps as outlined in the charter will be the Board of Police Commissioners meeting with Chief Beck and holding community meetings to receive public input. Commissioners will then be required to act affirmatively or negatively on Chief Beck’s request at least 90 days prior to the end of his current term which ends on Nov. 17, 2014.
Under Chief Beck’s leadership, violent crime has been reduced by 40 percent and gang crime cut by nearly half. Additionally, all conditions of the Federal Consent Decree have been met and the Department has managed to operate within its budget during one of the most severe financial downturns since the Great Depression.
Questions may be directed to the LAPD’s Media Relations Section at 213-486-5910.