Media parking guidelines for Voir Dire (jury selection) process for upcoming trial of Dr. Conrad Murray
Thursday, March 24 and Friday, March 25, 2011
Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center
210 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, Calif. 90012
The Los Angeles Police Department will be enforcing media parking restrictions to ensure the safety of all who have business at and around the downtown Civic Center. It is expected there could be a large media turnout for the court procedures related to the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray. These parking instructions will be enforced throughout the Murray proceedings.
Media parking has been designated and restricted as listed below:
Media trucks, vans (transmitters) ONLY, are permitted to park on the sidewalk on Spring between Temple and Aliso. A clear pathway must be available for pedestrian traffic. No personal vehicles or crew vehicles will be allowed to park on any of the sidewalks. Crew vehicles are PERMITTED to park on the west side of Spring Street between Temple and Aliso on the west-side curb and on Aliso between Broadway and Spring on the south-side curb.
Media parking will be PROHIBITED on Temple Street, between Broadway and Spring Street, and on Spring Street south of Temple Street.
Any vehicles parked illegally will be towed.
For additional information please contact LAPD Media Relations Section at 213-486-5910.