Mini Mounties Community Outreach Program

May 24, 2008

Los Angeles Police Department Taking Children Deep Sea Fishing From Elementary School in Skid Row Area

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Pierpoint Landing
200 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA 90802

Metropolitan Division, Mounted Unit

The Mounted Platoon has had an incredible relationship with the Ninth Street Elementary School since 2003. Members from the Mounted Platoon have hosted many events and outings with the children of this special school. As a result of this relationship the Platoon formed a program affectionately known as the
Mini-Mounties, a program that provides a positive interaction between the children of the Skid Row area and members of the Los Angeles Police Department.

This event will give children an opportunity to experience deep sea fishing with members assigned to Metropolitan Division’s Mounted Platoon. The children will experience the beauty of the sea while having a chance of a lifetime to fish with police officers in this unique and positive setting. At the conclusion of the event, the officers will prepare a picnic style lunch to thank the children for spending the day with them.

For further information contact Sergeant Mike Porter, Metropolitan Division, at 213-485-5909.