Officer Randy Simmons 5k Challenge Run

October 12, 2008

Officer Randy Simmons 5k Challenge Run in the hills of Elysian Park

Saturday, October 18, 2008
8:00 a.m.

Los Angeles Police Academy
1880 North Academy Road
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Los Angeles Police Department Metropolitan Division is hosting the Randy Simmons 5k Challenge Run at the Los Angeles Police Academy in Elysian Park. This event is open to the public and runners are invited to register on-line at keyword “Randy Simmons 5k." The fee for the run is $25 through October 16th and $30 on the day of the event.

All proceeds benefit the Randy Simmons Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to continuing Randy’s legacy, working with, and giving positive direction to the youth of Los Angeles.

Officer Randy Simmons was a dedicated Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) officer who was fatally wounded in the line of duty on February 7, 2008.

For additional information, please contact Metropolitan Division at 213-972-2420.