Officers Assist in Rescuing a Citizens Cat

August 25, 1999

Wednesday, August 25, 1999
On August 22, 1999, 5:00 pm, Officers Kuhn and Mesa, were flagged down by an upset female, Mrs. Marks, who informed them about a cat stuck in a 60′ Italian Cypress tree for several days. Other neighbors also informed the officers of their concerns, as the cat had been howling for days and nights. Officers Kuhn and Mesa attempted to locate the cat, but could not see it through the thick foliage. Residents notified various City services, but no one would respond. Neighbors summoned the Fire Department, but after responding, they were unable to find the cat. Officers left the scene, chagrined that they could not save the cat. But, they returned to the scene at 11:00 pm, to find the cat. They could hear it crying, but could not locate it. Officer Kuhn left her Department business card with Mrs. Marks to stay updated on the cat’s status.

On August 23, 1999, 11:00 am, Officer Kuhn checked her Senior Lead Officer (SLO) voice mailbox from home to check for messages about the cat. Mrs. Marks had called and advised that the cat was still in the tree. The residents were willing to donate money to hire a tree trimmer to save the cat, but after numerous calls, he never showed up. At PM Watch roll call, Officers Kuhn and Mesa informed the watch about the incident. After roll call, they responded directly back to the scene. This time, they could see the cat approximately 40′ high in the tree. The cat was panting, and it’s cries were more labored and weakened, which was compounded by the hot summer weather. Several neighbors supported the rescue effort by supplying drinks and towels. They again called various City entities, but none would respond. One neighbor attempted to climb the tree, while others attempted to lure the cat down by putting out food. The cat’s owner was located and was very upset that his cat, Betsy, had been missing for six days. Officers Kuhn and Mesa notified the Watch Commander’s office, who notified the Fire Department to respond again to the scene. Two fire engines responded and deployed their extended ladder. One firefighter climbed up the ladder and retrieved the cat, that, by this time, was weary and dehydrated. The owner and neighbors were visibly relieved and grateful for the cat’s safe recovery.

Officers Kuhn and Mesa are to be commended for their concern and reverance for life, their persistence, compassion, responsiveness to community needs and unwavering commitment to accomplishing their mission. These officers respresent the true spirit of community policing by working with community members to solve a shared goal. Good job and thank you for your efforts!

For Release 9:00 am PDT
August 25, 1999