Open House in West Los Angeles

August 31, 2001

Open House
Saturday, September 1, 2001, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
West Los Angeles Community Police Station
1663 Butler Avenue, Los Angeles
West Los Angeles Area Community Relations Unit
West Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police Department, West Los Angeles Community Police Station will be hosting their annual Open House on Saturday, September 1, 2001, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The purpose of the event is to foster positive community-police partnerships and to educate community members in their functions and operations. Their primary goal is to achieve a community free from crime and disorder.
The event will be informative and fun for all. LAPD SWAT officers, Bomb Squad, Mounted Unit, Air Support and the K-9 Units will be present and have displays for everyone to enjoy. The West Los Angeles Area Jeopardy program, in partnership with Backstreet Galleries will have artwork and games for the youth.
Food and drinks will be provided for all.
Anyone with questions regarding this event, please contact Sergeant Toish Ellerson, West Los Angeles Area Community Relations Unit, 310-575-8431.
This media advisory was prepared by Officer La Donna Cissell, Media Relations Section, 213-485-3586.