Pedestrian Safety and Crosswalk Enforcement Operation
Thursday, March 27, 2014
7 a.m. – 9 a.m.
Sherman Way and Eton Avenue
Vanowen Street and Topanga Canyon Boulevard
Roscoe Boulevard and Topanga Canyon Boulevard
LAPD Topanga Officers
LAPD Valley Traffic Officers
Topanga Division officers will be heavily deployed throughout Topanga Area to enforce pedestrian traffic laws. The focus will be on both motorists and pedestrians who do not obey traffic laws related to pedestrian safety.
There has been a 6% increase in pedestrian versus vehicle traffic collisions in the Topanga Area. Remember, if you are involved in a collision the law requires you to stop and render aid if necessary. Many times the motorist is not at fault, but by fleeing the scene the collision now becomes a crime!
The Los Angeles Police Department’s Topanga Division wants to remind motorists and pedestrians to be cautious when walking or driving on the streets at all times. Please review these traffic safety tips:
• Obey traffic signals such as “Walk/Don’t Walk” signs.
• Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections if available.
• Watch for turning vehicles and make sure the driver sees you before stepping out in front of a
• Just because one vehicle stops, do not assume other drivers will stop; visually clear each lane before
you proceed.
• Wear bright/light colored clothing and walk in well lit areas at night.
• Be alert to the traffic – constantly look both ways as you cross the street.
• Scan the road ahead for pedestrians.
• Do not drive distracted.
• Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks whether marked or unmarked.
• Watch for pedestrians stepping off the curb when making right or left turns.
• Obey the speed limits and slow down.
If you have any questions please contact Topanga Division Sergeant Trulik, at (818) 756-4800.