Revision of Vehicle Impound Protocol at Checkpoints

March 11, 2011

News Conference to announce changes to LAPD’s protocol for impounding vehicles stopped at sobriety checkpoints.
Monday, March 14, 2011
9 a.m.

LAPD Public Administration Building (Plaza)
100 West First Street
Los Angeles, Calif. 90012

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck
LAPD Assistant Chief Michel Moore
LAPD Captain Rigoberto Romero
Various Community Members

To provide detailed information on LAPD’s revised protocol related to how and when the LAPD will impound cars during sobriety checkpoint operations.

Statistics prove that checkpoints save lives and prevent injuries. A recently published article by Mothers Against Drunk Driving referenced how well publicized sobriety checkpoints resulted in a 20 percent reduction in alcohol-related crashes and fatalities.

The changes identified reiterate the primary focus of the sobriety checkpoint as well to ensure the protocols for the impounding of a vehicle are consistently applied.

Finally, this step is part of a larger overall evaluation of the Department’s impound protocols in relationship to the various enforcement statutes, recent case law and their impact.

For more information, call the LAPD Media Relations Section at 213-486-5910.