"Stop the Violence Block Party in Northeast Area"
Bemis Street and Algers Street, near Chevy Chase Park
Saturday, September 29, 2001
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
California State Assemblyman Dorio Frommer and Los Angeles Police Chief Bernard C. Parks
Atwater Village: On Saturday, September 29, 2001, The Northeast Community Police Station will host its first "Stop the Violence" Block party in Atwater Village. The event will be held on Bemis Street and Algers Street, near the Chevy Chase Park. The event will run between 11:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The focus of this block party is to unite the community members of Atwater. All members including residents, business owners, clergy, schools and the police, must unite in solidarity against the elements that are causing the decline of the community. The Northeast Area Commanding Officer is asking those members that are contributing to the violence and destruction of the community to lay down their arms and become part of a peaceful solution.
Los Angeles City and County agencies will set up booths to provide information, ranging from domestic violence counseling, gang intervention, dispute resolution, graffiti issues, and much more. Chief of Police Bernard C. Parks and Assemblyman Dorio Frommer are scheduled to appear. Fingerprinting for children will also be available during the event. Officers will barbecue hot dogs for all in attendance.
For further questions, please contact Sergeant Sandy Rosenberg, officer-in-charge, Community Relations Office at 213-485-2548.
This media advisory was prepared by Public Information Officer Jason Lee, Media Relations Section, 213-485-3586.