Take Back Our Community Rally

July 19, 2001

Community Walk and Rally to Stop Violence in Our Community
Thursday, July 19, 2001
6:00 P.M.
Chesterfield Square Park
54th Street and Gramercy Place
Los Angeles: On Thursday, July 19, 2001, at 6:00 p.m., Los Angeles Police Department Chief Bernard C. Parks and Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas will join together in a rally to take back the community. The rally has been organized because of two major shootings that took place in the area of 54th Street and Wilton Place. Chief Parks and Councilman Ridley-Thomas joined community residents on Friday, July 13th and walked through the area of the recent crime scenes, which left three people dead and four injured. The Los Angeles Police Department believes that this upcoming rally will discourage violence in the area. Members of the community are encouraged to attend and will have ample time to express concerns regarding community issues.
Several community based organizations will be present at the rally including: The Brookins Community A.M.E., Central Recovery, Community Coalition, Community Block Clubs, 8th District Empowerment Congress, 54th Street Seventh Day Adventist Church, Saint Brigid Catholic Church, Testimonial Cathedral, Southern Christian Leadership Conference and LAPD command staff and other personnel.
For further information regarding this rally, contact Media Relations Section at 213-485-3586. This press release was prepared by Officer La Donna Cissell, Media Relations Section.