Monday, March 6, 2000
Los Angeles – Vehicle robbery or carjacking is the taking of a motor vehicle from another using force or fear. Carjacking is by no means a new crime, nor is it sweeping the nation in epidemic proportions. Vehicle owners have been victims of this crime for decades. The term carjacking was coined by the news media. The term has raised fear levels out of proportion with the actual probability of becoming a victim. Realistically, this is a crime of low probability, but potentially high consequences.
"The Vehicle Robbery/Carjacking Prevention Month Circular contains important crime prevention strategies aimed at protecting motorists," states Commander David J. Kalish, Department spokesperson. "Carjackers focus on people who are unaware or unprepared, the circular is full of tips to help people reduce the risk of becoming a victim."
March has been declared "Vehicle Robbery/Carjacking Prevention Month," by Chief of Police Bernard C. Parks. Marking this month’s crime prevention message, circulars and videos on carjacking prevention will be available at all 18 Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Community Police Stations.
Crime Prevention Tips:
Always keep your vehicle doors locked. When possible, drive in the lane nearest the center of the road to distance any would-be pedestrian attacker from your vehicle.
Know the area in which you are travelling. Take the time to learn the locations of the police and fire stations and emergency rooms. Avoid shortcuts that take you on dark, isolated streets.
If you feel you are being followed by another vehicle, do not drive home. Drive to the nearest police or fire station, hospital emergency room or nearest open business for help.
If you are attacked and the suspect has a weapon and demands your vehicle, comply!
There are many more strategies outlined in the "Vehicle Robbery /Carjacking Prevention Month Circular." For more information, or to obtain copies of the Community Crime Prevention Circulars, contact the Community Liaison/Crime Prevention Unit, Community Relations Section, LAPD, at 213-485-3134.
The LAPD has developed the largest and most comprehensive Web site in the country to promote public safety and provide frequently requested information to all those who live, work, and visit the City of Los Angeles. For additional information regarding senior crime prevention or other crime prevention issues, visit the official Web site of the LAPD at www.lapdonline.org.
For Release 11:00 am PST
March 6, 2000